
my name is Kristof;

i develop things, lead teams and start projects;

i like music, cycling and my family.

sometimes i write about things.


16 Feb 2025

Office Posters?

Decorating office walls for me is a reflection of mu personality and interests. For many in the tech community, this often translates to displaying items that showcase their passion for technology, mathematics, or creative problem-solving. This at least is true for me. Usually ideas like LED gadgets or iconic movie posters might come to mind, but I decided to take a different approach by creating (more like stealing and adapting) flow field art.

11 Feb 2025

Cancelling Projects

I finally did it, instead of spending way too much time on a simple side-project I’ve been thinking and tinkering about, I let go of it. Way too many times software developers end up in starting more and more (side-)projects while never either finishing or cancelling old ones. They become abandoned while still taking up head-space somewhere in a dark corner of the mind. This post will be a list of my abandoned or cancelled projects, including short descriptions of what I intended to achieve and where i think I failed.

7 Dec 2024

Advent of Code - Day 7

I forgot to GitAdd my old posts, so they’re gone for now, i’ll have copies in my Logseq, but have to work to get them back, will do that later. Puzzle 1 this seems easier than the last days, to be honest i’ll do the oop/clean code style again with custom types and such combining the coefficients of a line with operations is something “simple” i think we need to take two coefficients and an operation, the result will be the lhs coefficient for the next operation, etc.

9 Sep 2024


I like music. I like music a lot. I especially love finding oscure bands and albums (Spotify has the tag hipster for these cases), listen to them a lot and sometimes buy their vinyl if applicable. Here are some examples. I absoluted LOVED https://everynoise.com/ and used to spend way too much time on that site. And i’ve yet to find something that semi-automatically sends me new and unknown stuff with a high percentage of me liking that.

6 Sep 2024

OpenAPI Generators

I’m a huge fan of the gRPC Protocol Buffer Recipe Workflow: Schema first to generate Client Libraries and Server Stubs (even easier when using goimpl) - the only downside that i encountered so far is that there’s no first-class way to make use gRPC Services on the Frontend (i don’t consider grpc-gateway to be first-class, generally i’m not keen on setting up a proxy for this kind of communication). Maybe i just need to accept that gRPC just wasn’t made with Frontends in mind.

24 Aug 2024


This is where i’ll introduce logsync